Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Nail Lust

I didn't plan on blogging again today but I came across the most amaaaaazing nail polish and I feel that I really should purchase it! I was browsing the Nails Inc website and came across their Nail Jewellery range and I'm in love. I definitely want to purchase the one I've shown below, which is Burlington Arcade. On their website they put the Nail Jewellery over Black Taxi which I think has worked incredibly well. For £11 it's a bit pricier than what I normally pay but as soon as I get chance I'm going to purchase this! I've been wanting to do my nails like this for some time after seeing a friend with similar style nails that she got done in the salon but I was unsure of how I would master it at home myself so this is going to be perfect for me!

The other colours they have are: 
Princes Arcade
Piccadilly Arcade
Royal Arcade

Has anybody tried any of these nail polishes? Or have some similar to recommend?


  1. Wow these look amazing, wonder if they look as good in real life

  2. I've ordered the first one which should hopefully arrive tomorrow so I'll get a picture and review up of them :) hoping they are as amazing in real life!

  3. I've done a review of these: http://beautybybx.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/review-nails-inc-nail-jewellery.html :)


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